seattle, washington, united states
Pipe Major Kevin Auld of the Washington Scottish Pipe Band, teaches highland bagpipes to students of all ages and abilities. I am looking for enthusiastic students who want to play bagpipes well.
I am a professional Great Highland Bagpiper of 50 years. My four brothers and I attended various Scottish Performing Arts schools during the summer months over the years. Some of these also had instructions for Highland dance and drumming. We …
The Irish Pipers’ Club, a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization based in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., promotes and preserves the playing of the uilleann pipes, Ireland’s unique form of bagpipe.
seattle , washington united states
Celtic rock band along the lines of the Pogues with a hint of the Clash. A 7-piece drunken Irish …
The Elliott Bay Pipe Band of Seattle is a highland bagpipe and drum band that performs traditional …
The Kenmore & District Pipe Band came into being in the year 2001 when a group of people with a …
The band is based in Shoreline (North Seattle, WA) and is open to any young person in the Puget …
The Utilikilts Company, established April 2000, was originally founded in order to fund a global …
My name is Kevin Auld and I am a full time bagpipe instructor and performer in Seattle, WA USA.
The club holds monthly meetings to conduct club business, play tunes, and help learning pipers. …
The Northwest Junior Pipe Band is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides an alternative …
Bagpipe Lessons in Seattle WA
St. Patrick’s Day Parade – 12.30pm: Jefferson St & 4th Ave, Seattle To participate click this …