tom martin kennedy

tom martin kennedy


Experience the power and excitement of the Great Highland Bagpipes at your next event ! Whether it’s a wedding, banquet, party, graduation, or a solemn occasion such as a memorial service, the bagpipes will set the proper tone for the occasion. A Michigan bagpiper for over 30 years, competition medal winner, member of the Glen Erin Pipes and Drums, and former member of Ann Arbor Pipes and Drums competition band, I will work closely with you to ensure years of good memories for you and your guests. Irish wedding Your Event is Special A bagpiper at your Wedding, whether present from the very beginning or arranged as a surprise ending, will make your celebration that much more special and give your guests a unique and memorable experience.

Parties will experience on a new level of excitement when adding the uniqueness of the bagpipes, along with a measure of “Bagipes 101” for those of your guests who want to know more about the workings and history of this unique instrument as well as the Scottish attire.

Banquets and Ceremonies will take on more an air of pagentry and distinction, especially when used to introduce a speaker or highlight other special points in your program.

The sound of the pipes during a Funeral service or graveside internment brings not only old world tradition but will provide a special air of dignity to this solemn occasion.

Bagpipes at regular Church Services will “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” and can be enhanced with the sound of the pipe organ on selected tunes!

Golf Outings and Tournaments are often launched by the presence of a bagpiper at these historically Scottish events.


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